Healthy Aging resources include programs and guidance on behaviors and practices that lead to physical and emotional well-being.

OAEC Capstone Webinar recording (Feb. 16, 2023)

Since 2020, the Administration for Community Living (ACL)-funded Older Adults’ Equity Collaborative (OAEC) has worked to elevate cultural competence in the aging network through active engagement with professionals, caregivers, and older adults. This capstone event will reflect on the accomplishments of this collaborative by introducing attendees to the resources and tools generated by the OAEC and look ahead by stimulating conversation on the future of equity in the aging network.
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Ensuring Equity in Telemedicine for Older Adults

On July 12, 2022, NYAM's Center for Healthy Aging hosted a panel discussion on how patients, providers, and payors can ensure an equitable telehealth landscape that is attuned to the strengths and needs of the 65+ population. As telemedicine becomes increasingly ubiquitous in the healthcare space, it is critical that health and digital equity remain front-and-center to ensure that the benefits of technology are afforded to diverse older adult populations.
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