Healthy Aging resources include programs and guidance on behaviors and practices that lead to physical and emotional well-being.

Resources and Reference Materials for Community Health Workers and Chronic Disease

CHW-led interventions that focus on chronic disease management are known to have positive health outcomes for individuals and communities. In particular, research has shown that CHWs can positively influence hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and asthma. Individuals who participate in CHW-led programs have demonstrated improvements in A1C levels, increased their physical activity, improved their mental health, and have a better understanding of their conditions. CHWs are particularly effective at addressing chronic disease because they come from the communities they serve. This quality puts CHWs in the best position to provide health education that is culturally aligned and in the language of the people being served. These resources go in-depth about the positive impacts that CHW-led interventions can have on individual patients, organizations, and communities. They draw from MHP Salud’s own experience implementing and improving CHW-led programs that address chronic disease and include information on other useful resources.
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