Diet and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention

The National Caucus and Center on Black Aging hosts an educational webinar on how healthy eating, nutrition and exercise habits impact the prevention of cancer.

Click HERE to access the recorded webinar.

Diabesity: Lifestyle Changes to Target Diabetes and Obesity

The National Caucus and Center on Black Aging hosts an educational webinar on the connection between diabetes and obesity and how simple lifestyle changes can can limit your risk.

Click HERE to view the recorded webinar.

Breast Cancer: Know Your Risks Factors

The National Caucus and Center on Black Aging hosts an educational webinar that identifies risk factors for breast cancer and reviews healthy lifestyle tips.

Click HERE to view the recorded webinar.

Healthy Heart Practices and Preventing Disease in Older Adults

The National Caucus and Center on Black Aging hosts an educational webinar on blood pressure types, signs and dangers of high blood pressure, and tips on disease prevention.

Click HERE to view the recorded webinar.

Resources and Reference Materials for Community Health Workers and Chronic Disease

CHW-led interventions that focus on chronic disease management are known to have positive health outcomes for individuals and communities. In particular, research has shown that CHWs can positively influence hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and asthma. Individuals who participate in CHW-led programs have demonstrated improvements in A1C levels, increased their physical activity, improved their mental health, and have a better understanding of their conditions. CHWs are particularly effective at addressing chronic disease because they come from the communities they serve. This quality puts CHWs in the best position to provide health education that is culturally aligned and in the language of the people being served.

These resources go in-depth about the positive impacts that CHW-led interventions can have on individual patients, organizations, and communities. They draw from MHP Salud’s own experience implementing and improving CHW-led programs that address chronic disease and include information on other useful resources.

Library of Chronic Disease Self-Management Education (CDSME) Programs

Evidence-based programs offer proven ways to promote health and prevent disease among older adults. Use this tool to search for evidence-based programs that match your community’s needs and are approved for funding through Older Americans Act Title III-D. The programs included are not exhaustive and represent those that have been approved through the Evidence-Based Program Review Process.

Browse the CDSME Library

Watch a video tour of the NCOA CDSME Resources below

Tour NCOA’s Evidence-Based Program Search Tool from National Council on Aging on Vimeo.