Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program: What You Must Know

Under the federal Older Americans Act (OAA) every state is required to have an ombudsman program that addresses complaints and advocates for improvements in the long-term care system. Each state has an Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program headed by a full-time State Long-Term Care Ombudsman who directs the program statewide. Across the nation, staff and thousands of volunteers are designated by State Ombudsmen as representatives to directly serve residents.

The Impact of Trauma History on End-of-Life for LGBT Elders

Today’s LGBT elders may find the end of life more challenging than do other elders. Various subgroups of LGBT elders are more likely than their non-LGBT peers to suffer from mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse disorders, and be living with HIV/AIDS. Many do not have the biological family support that others do, and many suffer from lower socio-economic status, with less access to quality health care and health insurance.

Access the End-of-Life/Spiritual Support Fact Sheet

Person-Centered Services and LGBT People with Disabilities

Person Directed Services are just that – services provided for individuals that take into account the unique needs and wants of the specific person they are for. If implemented effectively, these services allow individuals to reach their fullest level of independence in their communities. This is no different for people with disabilities in the LGBT community.

Access the Person-Centered Services Fact Sheet

LGBT Welcoming Housing : Self Advocacy Tips

One of the most important decisions we make as we age is where we’re going to live during our senior years. For LGBT older adults, finding a place that’s welcoming and respectful of our identities is a critical aspect of the housing search.

Access the LGBT Welcoming Housing resources