Aging in Place: Steps to Help You and Your Family Prepare, recorded webinar

NCBA hosts a webinar detailing how you can age in your own home; how you and your family can prepare to do so; what facts and myths surround aging in place and where to get relevant resources that can help you prepare.

Click HERE to watch the recorded webinar.

Addressing Housing Issues Facing Older Adults Following a Natural Disaster

Older residents in areas affected by natural disasters face a number of challenges, including issues related to housing security and obtaining temporary shelter. Legal assistance and aging services professionals play a critical role in identifying these needs and providing assistance before, during, and after a disaster.

This National Center on Law and Elder Rights (NCLER) training will discuss common housing issues faced by homeowners and renters following a natural disaster, with a focus on how advocates and providers working with older adults can assist them pre-disaster to head off these housing issues. The webcast will also discuss post-disaster resources available to older adults and advocates to help address housing recovery needs following a natural disaster.

Click here to watch a recording of the webinar

Click here to access the PowerPoint slides

Click here to access the FAQ Sheet

Housing & Services Resource Center

The Housing and Services Resource Center was created for people who work in the organizations and systems that provide housing resources and homelessness services, behavioral and mental health services, independent living services and other supportive services, and others who are working to help people live successfully and stably in the community. 

Our goal is to foster collaboration and cross-sector partnerships, in order to streamline access to services, better leverage resources, and ultimately make community living possible for more people.

Click Here to visit the Housing & Services Resource Center website

Innovations from the Field: AAA Housing and Homelessness Programs

This set of case studies, funded by ACL, builds upon a 2018 poll 6 of Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) about the extent to which challenges associated with housing and homelessness affect older adults across the country and what programs or partnerships AAAs have developed to address these issues. The case studies highlight innovative programs and solutions that AAAs have developed to address the needs of older adults facing homelessness and/or housing challenges

Read the Case Studies

Home Modification Information Network

This state-by-state inventory is designed to put details about each state’s home modification policies, funding sources, and programs right at your fingertips

Explore the Home Modification Map

LGBT Welcoming Housing : Self Advocacy Tips

One of the most important decisions we make as we age is where we’re going to live during our senior years. For LGBT older adults, finding a place that’s welcoming and respectful of our identities is a critical aspect of the housing search.

Access the LGBT Welcoming Housing resources