IMAGE: NYC – Interactive Map of Aging

The New York Academy of Medicine

An open-source map of New York City’s current and projected population age 65 and older, IMAGE: NYC provides overlays of available resources, services, and amenities. Designed for government agencies, elected officials, health care and social service providers, planners, funders, and researchers, IMAGE:NYC is a critical tool to support funding, planning, advocacy and direct services.

Read more on NYAM website | Go to IMAGE:NYC Map

NAPCA Launches a National COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Map and In-Language Support to Book Vaccination Appointments

National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA)

NAPCA is excited to announce the launch of a multilingual COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Map (accessible in 10+ languages through the website’s translation bar). The map and supplementary in-language resources are intended to be used in conjunction with the NAPCA multilingual Helpline for older adults and caregivers. Helpline counselors can help navigate English resources and state public health information, as well as set up vaccine appointments for eligible older adults.

Read more on NAPCA website | Go to COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Map