A collection of behavioral health resources including topic areas such as: Social Isolation, Aging & Disability Resource Centers, Opioids & Pain Management, and links to other related National Resource Centers.
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This resource compiles dozens of mental health resources including a Behavioral Health Treatment Locator, Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and various other resources for older adult behavioral health treatment in community living settings.
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Social interaction is essential for physical and mental health and well-being. The health benefits of human social interaction are plentiful; delaying memory loss, improving mood, stimulating appetite, and decreasing mortality. Aging experts have known the value of socialization for a long time, which is why the Older Americans Act (OAA) nutrition programs has three primary goals:
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A collection of resources from a May 13, 2021 webinar (video below) that introduces a systems approach and three practices for building healthy communities and advancing health equity through senior nutrition programs. Download the slide deck and summary sheet below:
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