OAEC Capstone Webinar (Feb. 16, 2023)

Since 2020, the Administration for Community Living (ACL)-funded Older Adults’ Equity Collaborative (OAEC) has worked to elevate cultural competence in the aging network through active engagement with professionals, caregivers, and older adults. This capstone event will reflect on the accomplishments of this collaborative by introducing attendees to the resources and tools generated by the OAEC and look ahead by stimulating conversation on the future of equity in the aging network.

Click HERE to watch the video recording on YouTube.

Download the slide deck below.

Cultural Norms and Caregiving

Cultural norms and values can impact the way Hispanic/Latino caregivers care for their loved ones. This series of worksheets and accompanying videos was created in collaboration with our partners at Trualta. They are designed for caregivers to identify how cultural values and norms affect their caregiving, help identify which values are important to them, and ways to implement those values in their daily lives as caregivers. Each worksheet has an accompanying video which features interviews with actual caregivers sharing their experiences to help reflect on how different values affect caregiving, and guidance on how these values can also help self-care for caregivers.

Click HERE to access the worksheets and videos.

Tips for Hispanic/Latino Family Caregivers of Older Adults: Planning for Public Health Emergencies and Common Disasters

A Public Health Emergency is when a community is impacted by the threat of an illness or health condition that poses a substantial risk to human health, such as COVID-19, or natural disasters also known as common disasters. Examples of common disasters include wildfires, windstorms, floods, earthquakes, tornados, extreme temperatures, and hurricanes.

Click HERE to access the article

Resources and Reference Materials for Community Health Workers and Chronic Disease

CHW-led interventions that focus on chronic disease management are known to have positive health outcomes for individuals and communities. In particular, research has shown that CHWs can positively influence hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and asthma. Individuals who participate in CHW-led programs have demonstrated improvements in A1C levels, increased their physical activity, improved their mental health, and have a better understanding of their conditions. CHWs are particularly effective at addressing chronic disease because they come from the communities they serve. This quality puts CHWs in the best position to provide health education that is culturally aligned and in the language of the people being served.

These resources go in-depth about the positive impacts that CHW-led interventions can have on individual patients, organizations, and communities. They draw from MHP Salud’s own experience implementing and improving CHW-led programs that address chronic disease and include information on other useful resources.

5 Ways Community Health Workers Engage with Hispanic/Latino Older Adults

It is important to engage Hispanics in health services as they age to promote health and wellbeing; reduce health disparities; and prevent social isolation, injury due to falls, and the development of chronic conditions. These engagement strategies must meet individuals where they are and provide information in a way that is easy to understand and relates to their cultural values and norms.

To access the blog post in English Click Here

To access the blog post in Spanish, Click Here

Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias in the Hispanic/Latino Community

This resource was developed by MHP Salud with essential guidance and understanding about ADRD provided by Alzheimer’s Association – San Antonio and South Texas Chapter. It was created to bring information to service providers and caregivers about how dementia affects the Hispanic/Latino community.

Salud Para Todos Implementation Guide

The Salud Para Todos Implementation Guide is a comprehensive tool for Promotores de Salud (Community Health Workers), or other peer educators, to prepare and implement community education sessions on mental health topics. The Implementation Guide provides the information, session plans, and other materials needed to facilitate educational sessions the topics of mental health, stress, domestic violence, substance abuse, and the relationship between chronic disease & mental health. Please note: This toolkit is accompanied by a powerpoint presentation.

Salud Para Todos Program Manual

CHWs can help by addressing the stigma around mental health and encouraging the community to accept those facing emotional challenges. They can also use their resources to get people early care, reducing the negative impacts experienced by the individual, their family, and the community. Download this program manual for CHWs to strengthen their knowledge about mental health issues, coping mechanisms, and utilizing resources to help those suffering from mental health issues access the services available to them in their community.

Guide to Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Mental Health Equity

This Guide provides health center staff with important resources, information, and tools to address the unique mental health needs of their Migratory and Seasonal Agricultural Worker (MSAW) patients. One of the most crucial resources we explore is the active role of Community Health Workers to bridge the gap between MSAWs and clinical care.

Click the link below to download the MSAW guide

April Meeting: RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council

The RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council held its eighth meeting on April 28, 2021.