OAEC Capstone Webinar (Feb. 16, 2023)

Since 2020, the Administration for Community Living (ACL)-funded Older Adults’ Equity Collaborative (OAEC) has worked to elevate cultural competence in the aging network through active engagement with professionals, caregivers, and older adults. This capstone event will reflect on the accomplishments of this collaborative by introducing attendees to the resources and tools generated by the OAEC and look ahead by stimulating conversation on the future of equity in the aging network.

Click HERE to watch the video recording on YouTube.

Download the slide deck below.

Advance Care Planning Among American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Peoples

In this article the authors report survey results from Title VI directors regarding how AI/AN/NHs learn about ACP. Most participants reported that less than a quarter of older AI/AN/NHs had an advance care plan and that most congregate meal sites would be open to providing ACP information.

Click HERE to read the article on the ASA Generations website

Social Isolation and Loneliness Among American Indian Elders

Social isolation is defined as a lack of social connections. Social isolation can lead to loneliness in some people, while others can feel lonely without being socially isolated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These fact sheets provide insight and best practices for addressing social isolation among American Indian Elders.

April Meeting: RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council

The RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council held its eighth meeting on April 28, 2021.

Serving Diverse Elders: Strategies for Meaningful Inclusion Service Planning and Delivery

Produced by the National Consortium on Aging Resources for Seniors’ Equity Members:
Asociación Nacional Pro Personas Mayores (ANPPM)
National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA)
National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA)
The National Caucus and Center on Black Aging (NCBA)
The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging (SAGE)

As the older adult population grows, many Aging Network providers are considering the unique needs and barriers diverse elder communities navigate by incorporating their stories and experiences into their organization’s planning process. By making some simple changes, diverse elders can be included as aging services and programs are designed, implemented, and evaluated. This guide aims to provide the Aging Network with tools and resources needed to be more inclusive of culturally diverse populations of older adults during the planning process.

Indigenous Foods: A Path to Healthy Living

National Indian Council on Aging

Healthy eating in the modern world is not always easy. Fast food and prepackaged foods offer inexpensive and easy alternatives to healthier foods or cooking from scratch. Even in remote locations, you can count on finding snacks like burgers, chips, candies, and sodas. But these kinds of foods can be harmful to our health in the long run.

Learn how to eat healthier.

The Savvy Caregiver in Indian Country

A Product of National Minority Aging Organization Technical Assistance Center for the Development of Dementia Care Resources for American Indians and Alaska Natives at the National Indian Council on Aging Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Savvy Caregiver in Indian Country Trainer’s Manual is designed for use by all American Indian and Alaskan Native people caring for an elder with memory loss and thinking problems, referred to as dementia. “Dementia” is a general term for brain diseases that lead to increasing memory loss and thinking problems. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the types of dementia. This manual will use the word “dementia” because it applies to many brain diseases that cause memory and thinking problems.